Parents Just Don't Understand...or do they?

The fourth commandment reads “thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother”.  Luther’s Catechism puts honor higher than love.  I love reading, pizza, and watching TV.   But, while love is a great emotion, to honor a person is to comprehend not only a love for them but also a kindness, reverence, and most of all that we act in a way that shows high regard.     

Help Wanted:

HELP WANTED: Pastor's wife. Must sing, play music, lead youth groups, raise seraphic children, entertain church notables, minister to other wives, have ability to recite Bible backward and choreograph Christmas pageants. Must keep pastor sated, peaceful and out of trouble. Difficult colleagues, demanding customers, erratic hours. Pay: $0.

There is no doubt in my mind that the “job” of Pastor’s wife is a difficult and demanding one.  The prospect of which I find daunting, to say the least. 

Let Me Introduce Myself...

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Katharina Luther.  You can call me Katie.  I am married to the Protestant Reformer, Martin Luther.  (I like to refer to him as Marty).  Some consider me to be one of the most important participants of the Reformation.  Why?  Well, because I helped to define the Protestant family life.  I am also credited for setting the tone for clergy marriages.  The powers that be felt I was even important enough to be commemorated on the Calendar of Saints.   Look me up…Dec. 20.