Let Me Introduce Myself...

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Katharina Luther.  You can call me Katie.  I am married to the Protestant Reformer, Martin Luther.  (I like to refer to him as Marty).  Some consider me to be one of the most important participants of the Reformation.  Why?  Well, because I helped to define the Protestant family life.  I am also credited for setting the tone for clergy marriages.  The powers that be felt I was even important enough to be commemorated on the Calendar of Saints.   Look me up…Dec. 20.   

Actually, as much as I would like to think of myself as such a significant person as Katie Luther, I am not.  I am however married to a Lutheran Minister… or soon to be minister.  You see, my husband is finishing his seminary training as I type.  In a few short weeks, he will be ordained, by the grace of God, as a Lutheran Minister. 
I am not sure what the future holds for me and my family.  With that in mind, I started this blog as a place to share my experiences, thoughts, and stories of the life of a new Lutheran Minister’s Wife. 
Just as my favorite Dec. pin-up girl didn’t know what she was getting into as the first clergy spouse, I am uncertain myself and feel a kinship in her.  For that reason, I will refer to myself as Katie and my husband as Marty. 
Let me share a bit about myself.
Marty and I have been married for 11 yrs.   God has blessed us with two children: Hans (9yrs) and Magdalena (10yrs).  And just like the real Katie, I have also suffered miscarriages.   However, in contrast to the real Marty and Katie, we have not adopted any children... yet. 

We are currently participating in what the Lutheran Church refers to as the “Call Process”.   Simply put, we are waiting to be “called” to a church somewhere in the U.S.  Once I know where Marty’s call will be, I will refer to it as The Black Cloister, where the real Marty and Katie took up residence. 
I am excited about the journey Marty and I have ahead of us.  To borrow a phrase from the real Marty "the Lord has plunged me into marriage" with a wonderful man of God.  He is a blessing to me as I hope to be a blessing to him and the ministry God has called him to. 

Katie Luther


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