Parents Just Don't Understand...or do they?

The fourth commandment reads “thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother”.  Luther’s Catechism puts honor higher than love.  I love reading, pizza, and watching TV.   But, while love is a great emotion, to honor a person is to comprehend not only a love for them but also a kindness, reverence, and most of all that we act in a way that shows high regard.     

I came across this video clip today on YouTube from the show Britain’s Got Talent.  It reminded me of Luther’s wisdom found in his Large Catechism.  I decided to take a minute and read it over to refresh my own understanding and refocus on the amazing things my elders have to teach me. 

This week, I plan to pay extra attention to Marty and I's parents and the lessons they can teach us.  I also encourage you, my gracious reader, to refresh your awareness of the things you can learn from the generation before us.  Talk to your parents, read their pop culture books, watch “old” movies or simply observe the elders all around you.  I would also endorse brushing up on the lessons taught in the large or small catechism. 

I have realized that when I put aside my attitude of “parents just don’t understand”, I can see that old dogs not only learn new tricks, but teach them as well. 


Katie Luther


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