Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Martin Luther wrote in his Catechism that before our feet touch the floor each morning we should recite the creed and pray the Lord’s Prayer.  I must admit, I fail in this Lutheran dictate more times than I succeed.  Between my alarm clock blaring the “best mix of 80s, 90s and today”, the sound of my cat crying to be fed, thoughts of the upcoming morning battle with my pre-teen daughter, and the call of the bathroom, thoughts of my God seem to find their way on to the back burner of my mind. 

But even though it isn’t done before “my feet touch the floor”, each morning after the kids and Marty leave the house, and I sit down in the new quiet of my home with my coffee cup, I pray for my family ending with the Lord’s Prayer.   As I prayed this morning, I was struck by a particular phrase.  Jesus instructed us to pray “Give us this day our daily bread.” 

“Daily bread”. 

“Daily bread”.

“Daily bread”.

These words kept repeating in my mind.  Maybe it is because of the proximity of Thanksgiving, but the thought of not having “Daily Bread” horrifies me.  I opened my pantry and found three boxes of cereal, one box of oatmeal, one package of bagels, one box of baking mix, two bottles of maple syrup, two jars of cranberry sauce, and two gift boxes of mixed chocolates hidden from my kids in the back.  And this was only on my second self alone!  Even if this was the only food I had for the week, my meals for the near future would be provided for. 

As most of us do, especially in today’s economy, I stress about our finances.  We live on a Pastor’s salary, paying back too many student loans, while trying to raise two children.  I am always trying to save money where I can.  I cut coupons, read store flyers, shop at places the price match and buy generic whenever I can (hence the baking mix instead of Bisquick). 

But today, as I head into the Thanksgiving Feast preparations, all I really need to do is look in my pantry and realize God has not only answered my daily prayer, but He has done so with abundance and zeal.  And instead of focusing on how tight my own finances are, I should be sharing some of my blessings with those who do not have “daily bread”. 

Matthew 6: 31-34
So then, don’t worry saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’  For the unconverted pursue these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Today has enough troubles of its own.


Anonymous said...

This was perhaps one of the most beautiful expressions of faith I have heard thus far. Faith and life intersect and intertwine so often that I fear we miss the most obvious points of God's work in our lives. Thank you for this. And have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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